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Accepted Mini-Series for Journal of Childhood and Infant Psychology: Spring, 2015

Mini-Series of “Parenting Issues and Young Children:

Introduction to Mini-Series: Barbara Mowder and Renee Krochek

  1. Parenting Historically and Contemporary Views: Barbara Mowder
  2. Parent Development Theory and Research: Renee Krochek
  3. Technology and Parenting: Linda Olzeswki and Alixandra Blackman
  4. Screen Time Questionnaire: Measure and Devlopment: Linda Olzewski, Shagufta Asar, Ashley Bogatch, Alixandra Blackman
  5. Nutrition and Parenting: Jessica Retan and Allison Hill


Krochek, R. & Mowder, B.A. (2012). Parenting infants: Relative importance of parenting characteristics and related behaviors. Journal of Early Childhood and Infant Psychology, 8, 21-34.


Respler-Herman, M., Mowder, B. A., Yasik, A. E., & Shamah, R. (2012). Parenting beliefs, parental stress, and social support relationships. Journal of Child & Family Studies, Vol. 21 (2),190-198.


Mowder, B.A. & Shamah, R. (2011). Test-retest reliability of the Parent Behavior Importance Questionnaire-Revised (PBIQ-R) and the Parent Behavior Frequency Questionnaire-Revised (PBFQ-R). Psychology in the Schools, 48(8), 843-854.


Mowder, B.A., Shamah, R., & Zeng, T. (2010). Current Measures for Assessing Parenting of Young Children.  Journal of Early Childhood and Infant Psychology, 6, 99-115.


Mowder, B.A. & Shamah, R. (2010). Parent Behavior Importance Questionnaire-Revised (PBIQ-R): Scale development and psychometric characteristics. Journal of Child and Family Studies, in press.

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